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Charles's First day of school was a huge relief.In half an hour, Phi Omega Delta will show up at your front door.” Phi Omega Delta was a small fraternity on the campus where I taught.I can get pregnant”, she said."Yes Master."While he maintained his masculinity to a point, refusing her offer of becoming a woman like her, she’d certainly done a number on him.It roared and crackled.I started shooting my semen down her throat as I pulled away.She moaned into their kiss as Keith's hands moved up her back and untied the string of her bikini top.She felt like a child; an embarrassed, naughty child."I'm not a good girl.This had to be some sort of nightmare, Kyle just couldn’t understand what was going on all around him."I will do the best that I can, unfortunately, it seems that I am the only one that can stop them."Trying to calm she sat trying to find anything that could help her.“This is your special request.I could see her hymen, that little membrane of skin guarding the depths