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Isobel picks up Margaret's long sleek lab coat and ties the unconscious professor's hands around the back of the toilet.You like all the things we do together don’t you?” Vida reached around and stroked his dick to hardness then went back to hold his hips while she eased the dildo all the way home.“That was fairly obvious Rhianna.After a while she came downstairs dressed in a short skirt that was about 5 ins above her knees and a sleeveless top that showed off the shape of her slim waist and pert breasts perfectly.“Oh, sir…I’m sorry…I need to watch my language.” John said.All were wet and dripping.What I meant was that you shouldn’t put clothes on just because he’s here.“Watching your man kiss your arse has turned me on.Her tongue skillfully brought him to the brink of orgasm, and suddenly he groaned as warm jets of cum spurted down the back of her throat, and he massaged the back of her head in his hands."Damn it, Lucy, be serious," Jim whined.So, after some more