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Cathy said no way.She made it sound like an innocent question, but I blushed and choked on a mouthful of mashed potato that I accidentally inhaled.Though now most of the stalls were empty due the merchants were now slave bitches.After cleaning up and giving myself a quick shave I threw my shorts back on, no underwear, then put on my muscle shirt.I smiled at my sister, victory surging through me.And oh, I was wet!DRACO!I have a suspicion that the actual owners might be associated with some kind of Mexican cartel, but again you learn not to ask too many questions.All I could taste was what my balls smelled like after a long day at work with a hint of man cum.It has been well known that you hated our brother."She reached into her coat again and produced a passport and other documents.“I embrace her lies over your truth, you relic!” I laughed, “I will kill because it pleases me, I will fuck because I desire it, and I will live my life in glory, free of the chain you would have bind m