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I was drinking like my life depended on it, not sure if I was sucking on her tit or a spout from the fountain of youth.As much as she didn’t want to admit it to herself, seeing Ashley’s face covered by Brian’s cum was hot, even if Ashley was her sister.I guessed that they didn’t expect many people to use them.She's so tight now.”“No Jenna’s vibrator was a little bigger and it went in fine after a while”“Pleeeeeeeeease, Master?I realized he was moaning way more than he ever had as he took my cock in his mouth deeper and deeper, looking up into my eyes, which he had never done before.I opened the cap on the rear to the bed of the truck.I would need new panties, but that wouldn't do it.Every beat of my heart spilled more of my blood from my throat.I deserved that!"“ Kim Li take care of Speedy, please.” “Yes Master.Chris nodded.“Say “Good Day” I suppose,” she replied.She grabbed the base with her hand and started sucking on it.Smiling hungrily down at the n