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She massaged her melons idly as the conditioning tape brought her to two happy orgasms.Erin looked into Melissa's eyes and smiled.Binu never lost an opportunity to hug and kiss her while Deen would hardly ever touch her or even converse with her at length.I finished my business and went back in the room, the light was switched off.You milk every drop of his cum out of his balls, young lady.”Dove's usually worked for individual causes that they personally supported.Finally, mercifully, Grant announced that he had an early day.“Don’t you worry about us love, you just enjoy your new toy.”The blue,red and white revolving lights on the cruiser lit up behind her, stabbing her eyes in the rear-view mirror, so she lifted her foot off the gas pedal and coasted to a stop on the shoulder of the road.A much more appreciative lover."Don't leave me. Don't leave me. Kiss me. Lick me. Please.""Come taste this before you go any deeper.Now she puts two fingers in her cunt, oh man, she is so wet.