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The red light flickered at the end of the remote."Do share while I wash myself, alright?"Like all other fourteen year old boys, the cool and macho demeanor was the go to strategy for Max when it came to impressing girls.I arched my back in lethargic hedonism, rising gracefully to meet the gluttony of my master, to give her what she so desired, what I so desired.“Can click to read more you not tell that the corruption is already in me?” She lowered her face to my lap, and gazed worshipfully at the thing standing between my legs, “It calls to me, Kiera.My sword flashes as I slice an Orc, and another.When I get home my mother says the air conditioning was not working and she arranged for it to be repaired the next day.I shuddered, my labia aching, wanting it to return.Then I felt the warm rush of cum traveling down through my cock and exploding inside her.Being attracted to her meant he was objectifying her.I'm cumming!“Goodnight, Molly.We took turns going to the toilets; Zoe thought it best she sta