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I wrench the phone out of his hand and toss it on the bed next to Hannah.I spread my legs wider, and guided the Earth Former’s unwilling lips to the head of my cock.“Whenever you’re ready.” She says.Her face was smeared with her step-mother's juices.They wore skinny jeans and matching V-neck blouses, one pink the other purple.Semi erect she took it deep into her mouth.I love his hands holding my arse as he slides my very wet cunt lips along his tongue.“Don’t you remember?” Momo replied.My twat spasmed around him, sucking at him.Clearly, this stranger was just another snake oil salesman.We had recently gotten back together from a fight and had spent the past few weeks fucking like animals.“Baby girl, I asked you a question.I squeezed my arms tight around her, my body trembling.I opened my eyes to the sight of my beautiful sister bobbing her glossy lips up and down my engorged head.I pulled her up and had her straddle me. She gave a loud moan as she was fully impaled on m