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Katie was the first to get up, she rolled out of bed, not wanting the cum that was on her ass to stick to the sheets, and walked to the door and headed to the bathroom to clean up before bed.pushing me deeper into the chair.I find you attractive.”.err, yes."Well, you should turn your light off and try and sleep anyway" she said, and with that she leant over me, her breasts inches from my face, and turned the lamp off.“N-n-no ma’am!” He stammered.She even looked long at some photos where girls had small to large dildos stuffed into their Tube XXX pussies.It’s just something she has been curious about her whole life and thinks now is the time to explore that curiosity.Then he said a spell to lock their ass and waist together.As with the previous times that I’d done that walk totally naked, we emerged from the clothed part without incident.Both slaves said."Well, I guess I could go for a walk."I would’ve kissed her right then and there if there hadn’t been a risk, however slight, o