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But we were helpless but to give into sinful needs of the flesh.“Thank you, Daddy.”Years of training required him to address her as his mother, but that would be Evan's brain speaking.So while I hung from my wrists, limbs still only just starting to tingle with returning feeling, she cut every last piece of my clothing away.Naci replied with a large smile.“But he’s still a fucking asshole!” I huffed at the cat, and took her bored glare as a resounding agreement.I prayed that Willowbud had killed Lucilla before that happened, then I prayed that Julia had killed Willowbud.Then my orgasm peaked.Not even five minutes pass before Jess slyly snakes her hand back onto my leg.She clawed at my back, her spine arching from the ground, her chin tilting so that she could howl mindlessly to the rafters above.“Capital idea,” Geoffrey agreed, but by the time they had her bra off the scent of aroused cunt had their cocks stiffening.“Yes, they use mine as well.“I promised Dad; I would