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‘Yeah!The light ahead turned red.I hope you enjoy reading my story, welcoming your thoughts and comments either positive or negative.My nethers ached with a hunger so great that it seemed to infect my mind.It has a big picture of a naked woman with her legs open a bit.Kevin, holding Katie’s hair tight and controlling her head.“Don't you know that masturbation makes you go blind?” I taunted, grinning at him.“Then take it!” I snarled, and delivered blow after blow with my hips, her bronze ass rippling, her white hair flailing, and her arms straining against the binds, the chain that held them groaning.Such a wicked, kinky, wild thing.“Let’s say our goodbyes and thank https://teenxxx-free.com/category/aXEtNDc3LTg4MQ==/Thai/ you to the King and Queen and head home.”“Yes, Master,” Pearline moaned.“Oh, come on , Adam.” she said after the fourth time while I clutched my throat.“NOOOOO, stop that right now, I may as well be dead.”“Lena was kind enough to let me borrow this toy,” he told her."Tell me" he shoutedThe p