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"Roth!“You’re fucking me so hard, Rhonda.I almost giggled at the counter... and had an extra bounce to my step as I got to the car.Editing RealityHis cock was beginning to harden.How do you live?!""Oh please.I am being herded across the circle by my neck like a rabid dog and towards one of these by my captors, the men of Salarin.I found another crucifix, not the same design as Becky's but similar in price, and edited it for Sam.“That's cute.If you have home field advantage like you claim to have, prove it.”As a custom captured and trained Pokemorphs wore at lest one piece of clothing while wild Pokemorphs were all but naked.I felt the air move over my bare skin and it felt so wicked."Here it comes mommy."That was, of course, before sweet Cecilia got the axe for mispronouncing the name of Felicia Rodriguez, their (at the time) mutual overlord, on the phone with a ‘very important client.’ Gretchen remembered accepting that explanation for the full article gratuitous, borderline objectifyi